Powerful Leadership

BOLD Leadership: 4 Ways to Build High-Performance Culture

BOLD Leadership:  4 Ways to Build High-Performance Culture

In the recent November 2017 copy of National Geographic Magazine, there was an article on the world’s happiest places, by Dan Buettner, the author of The Blue Zones, Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who’ve Lived the Longest.  According to Buettner, the three happiest places on earth are Denmark, Costa Rica, and Singapore.  The things they have in common are that their “people feel secure, have a sense of purpose, and enjoy lives that minimize stress and maximize joy”.

Eight People You Can Count On To Help You Achieve Success: Your Personal Board of Directors

Eight People You Can Count On To Help You Achieve Success: Your Personal Board of Directors

According to leadership expert, Jim Rohn, you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. What if you expanded it to eight and created a kick ass team to mentor you to be your best? The sky is the limit!

Proactivity: Just Relax

Proactivity:  Just Relax

I have discovered something that feels very counterintuitive to a Type A person like me. The more I relax and am at ease; the better I become.  This is a major paradigm shift for me.  I am an ACHIEVER, (#13 of my Clifton Strengths) so getting things done/checking things off my list has always been highly valued by me and many of the people I have worked with.  In fact, at one of my first jobs out of college, being an achiever was so important that it reinforced the very act of being busy.  The busier you were, the more people noticed, and the more you were rewarded. The challenge is whether you are busy on the things that actually matter or not. 

Authenticity: Who Do You Want to Be?

Authenticity:  Who Do You Want to Be?

Some leaders have shared horror stories where they were advised to act like the majority in their company and conform to fit in.  As you might imagine, this didn’t work for them AT ALL.  Leaders that are being inauthentic or have to stretch far to reach the “code” of behavior, often report feeling exhausted at the end of the day.  Here are some ways to maintain authenticity yet connect with others.

Powerful Leadership: The 3 Things Leaders Should Do Now

Powerful Leadership:  The 3 Things Leaders Should Do Now

Recently, I spent a fruitful week in London, UK, with the talented team at Gallup, Inc.  In the company of high performing leadership coaches and consultants from around the world, I participated in Gallup's Advanced CliftonStrengths Coach Training where we deepened our mastery on Strengths Based Development.  As I reflect on the week, here are 3 ideas to help you improve:

Build an Engaged Team with Staying Power

Build an Engaged Team with Staying Power

Turnover is high and costly.  A study by the Society for Human Resource Management states that employers spend the equivalent of six to nine months of an employee’s salary to attract, identify, and train their replacement. So that means that an employee salaried at $100K will cost the company $50-$75k to hire and train a replacement.   Do I have your attention yet?