BOLD Leadership

Leaders are not trained; they are developed.

Your leadership team needs to experience a learning program that is completely different.

This is far from a passive experience.  Our BOLD leadership program is a highly customized, engaging, immersive and designed to create breakthroughs for your leadership team. Your leaders will grow their influence and impact quickly. Our clients are driven to learn new approaches, apply lessons, gain clarity, grow confidence, and lead their teams to the highest heights of success!

I am BOLD neon sign


BOLD Success is the goal-learn how to leverage your unique strengths to achieve it!

Learn what others really think about you and how to get rid of behaviors that aren’t working

Take action on what matters most to achieve high performance

Acquire the skills YOU need to be the best leader you can be



Improve individual and group productivity

Drive results by allowing new skills and behaviors to be explored in a supportive environment

Leverage team talents and build power partnerships

Short term results and embedded with longer term gains



Develop behaviors that align with authentic leadership styles and match organization's values

Increase emotional intelligence and navigate effectively

Create networks of advocates, mentors, and sponsors

Invest in individual talent to create strength


The ROI on BOLD leadership makes it a ‘no-brainer’.

Here are the results that our clients have achieved:


    • 20% increase in revenue, 25% increase in profitability, 50% gain in client engagement


    • Measurement: 300% increase in employee engagement, 80% decrease in employee turnover


    • Measurement: Best company awards at the state and national levels including Fortune 500 Top Companies to Work For


    • Measurement: Leadership development helps companies navigate challenging times by increasing leaders ability to respond rapidly in turbulent and challenging business environments


    • Resilience is the human capacity to meet adversity, setbacks and trauma, and then recover from them. Resilient leaders have the ability to sustain their energy level under pressure, to cope with disruptive changes and adapt and continue to attain the highest levels of performance. 

Are you ready to become the high achieving leader that maintains top talent?

As a BOLD leader you will find you need to change your questions to change your outcome…


  • What were the big shifts in your business?

  • What risks did you take?

  • When were you most authentic? When weren’t you?

  • Where did you get stuck?

  • What was unexpected?

  • What was disappointing and how did you handle it?

  • What opportunities were uncovered?

  • What did you learn?

  • What did you achieve?


  • If you were really BOLD this year, what could you achieve?

  • What is your ratio of questions to statements in meetings and conversations? What would it look like if you up your question ratio? (Benefits; stay in curiosity, learn more, and enhance relationships)

  • What do you need to learn this year?

  • What relationships do you need to build or enhance?

  • What opportunities would you like to explore?

  • Where are you seeing convergence? What areas are merging in your environment and how could you capitalize on this?

  • What do you need to forget?

  • What do you need to ask for help with?