Adventure of BOLD Leadership

 Leadership should be a BOLD Adventure, but for many it is not for themselves personally nor for the people that they are leading.

80% of all leaders rate themselves as above average.

30% of employees rate their leaders as above average.

That’s a HUGE gap.  What gives?!

Leaders want to be at their best, and either don’t know how or haven’t been able to take the time to improve.  We partner with leaders who want to improve their performance by helping them evolve their skills to become inspiring, motivating, and empowering those they are leading.

Solution:  BOLD Leadership

BOLD leaders are the exception. 

BOLD leaders inspire, motivate, and empower their organizations and teams to achieve brilliant performance.  They achieve their most inspiring goals at warp speed.

BOLD leaders create a ripple effect and empower greatness in everyone around them.

In this program, leaders will learn to inspire greatness by leveraging the four pillars of BOLD Leadership:

  • BRILLIANCE: Establishing an energizing vision to achieve big, brilliant goals

  • OWNERSHIP: Personal and personnel inventory, unleashing the power, creativity, and resilience of you and the people you lead.

  • LIGHTHOUSE: Illuminating the path, leading by example

  • DRIVE: Proactive and priority accountability

When leaders are at their best and they have a brilliant vision, create ownership, provide consistent illumination along the path, and drive their team to be their best, the adventure produces exemplary results.

Value to Member

Leaders will create a guide to enable their BOLD leadership journey at their organization. Key concepts are related to their specific business goals and challenges and actionable plans will be created during the session for them to enact immediately. BOLD Leadership program participants see immediate impacts to their effectiveness and see improved results in their most important KPIs including increased revenue, profitability, engagement, and customer loyalty.